Excellence Award in Obtaining External Research Funding

	Excellence Award in Obtaining External Research Funding

This award is given to research projects that have received external funding for research, whether from the public, private or charitable sectors.

General Terms:

The rules apply to Al-Razi University employees and researchers.

After the completion and publication of the project, it is required that the researcher's affiliation with Al-Razi University be indicated.

The researcher may apply for the award with more than one project in one year.

Receiving these awards does not preclude benefiting from other university programs to motivate researchers.

A researcher may apply for the award with one or more research results from a supported research project.

Application controls:

Three prizes are awarded annually, with a reward of one hundred thousand riyals.

The evaluation of the priority of journals is done through the Web of Science website.

It is required that the correspondent researcher be an employee of Al-Razi University, and that at least half of the number of researchers should be from the university’s employees.

University News