Most Cited Research Award

	Most Cited Research Award

This award is for research that has been highly cited by other researchers.

General Terms:

The rules apply to the faculty members and researchers of Al-Razi University.

It is required in the published research that the researcher's affiliation with Al-Razi University has been indicated.

The researcher may submit more than one research award in one year.

Receiving these awards does not preclude benefiting from other university programs to motivate researchers.

A researcher may apply for the award with one or more research results from a supported research project.

Research is sorted through the Web of Science.

Application controls:

An annual award is given with a reward of one hundred thousand riyals.

The preference is based on the average citations per year.

Citations are counted from the year of publication until the 12-month end date.

Citations are calculated through the Web of Science website.

University News