Vision, Mission & Objectives of HR

	Vision, Mission & Objectives of HR


Setting the university to be one of the best universities attracting the best qualified human resources.


Polarizing special human resources and continuously developing these resources through continuous training to create academic administrative and technician staff with international standards and competitive traits to match the strategy of the university.


- Issuing permanent and unified policies, procedures and controlling rules to organize the relationship between the employees and the university administration.

- Forming feasible and flexible organizational structures.

- Establishing plan of the employees and ensuring the best size of the qualified workers that achieve the economic dimension and monitoring the expenditure in order to push the work up without disrupting their duties or its quality.

- Encouraging and attracting the human resources with high efficiency in the light of the regulations and policies of the university that organize the relationships between the employees and the employer.

- Identifying the duties and responsibilities for each job through specifying and describing and evaluating all the employment classes in the university and its faculties.

- establishing a permanent competitive salary structure and supervising the salaries and monthly payments preparation for the employees and ensuring the accuracy of systems, instructions and regulations that are related to employees affairs and saving the employees documents.

- Motivating the employees through setting fair and modern systems for the promotions, awards linked with the individual performance to identify the special members.

- Establishing comprehensive and practical system for evaluating the employees to get effective results that improve the performance.

- Exploiting in the human resources through continuous training and developing the skills to improve the competence of the employees and acquainting them with modern technology used in their duties.

- Creating the loyalty concept of the employees towards the university in all level, enhancing team work, providing all services and social care for the employees and monitoring the communication among all employment levels.

- Translating the policies and procedures into complementary electronic system linking and controlling all the activities of the human resources.

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