أهداف برنامج ماجستير تقنية المعلومات

	أهداف برنامج ماجستير تقنية المعلومات

Objectives of the Program

The objectives of this Program are to:

1. Providing students with advanced knowledge in the field of information technology so that it can keep abreast of practical and technological development and practice it.

2. Providing students with mental and practical skills and capabilities that enable them to take decisions in various professional contexts and to plan the performance and risk assessment of institutions from the technical side.

  1. Enhancing students to think critically and creatively based on a practical research methodology to create appropriate solutions to the problems of institutions associated with the field of computing.
  2. Providing researchers in the field of information technology who are able to continue their studies to obtain a doctorate and help in the research community.
  3. Raise students' awareness of community issues and provide innovative solutions to community problems while realizing the need for continuous self-development and learning.

نيابة الدراسات العليا

أخبار الجامعة